Beach Clean-up day in El Valle

Past Wednesday, 10 volunteers of Aldeas the Paz cleaned up the Beach of El Valle in coorporation with the environment ministry of Samaná. 

On the on hand, the clean-up day took place in order to provide a clean location for the upcoming "Quelonios"- (Art, Music & Environment) Festival and

on the other hand, to free the beach from its immense amount of

trash (glass, plastic, foam,..) and above all to recycle it!

After hours of collecting and separating all the garbage,

half a ton of trash was picked up.

There were so many plastic & glass bottles but also beverage cans.

It was shocking but at the same time satisfying for us because we were happy about our result, but sad to see so much trash in just one place.

The entire plastic trash that is still reusable will be brought to the Organization "Parley" which collaborates with companies like "Adidas".

Adidas for example is working with Parley to keep plastic from entering our oceans again by transforming the plastic into sportswear and shoes.

The Quelonios-Festival which is coming up on the 26th & 27th is exactly trying to raise more environmental awareness about this pollution problem.

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